
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Move: Part 2

Well after a fun night at a true Southern bar, we woke up to not feeling so well. Luckily the weather wasn't permitting us to explore much outside anyways. So we started to build the entertainment system we picked out at target. Which was a little more daunting than we had hoped, leading me to watch Alex finish it on his own. Afterwards we made out way to 4th street for lunch, were we talked of good old school television and became stranded by the storm with Alex's parents. Which I didn't mind one bit at all. Then we relaxed most of the night, watching I am Legend and unpacking. It was so hard to stay collected that night, knowing that in morning I would be returning to Michigan without Alex by my side, and that would be my new daily reality.

Morning came too soon and I didn't want to get out of bed. We had breakfast and his parents came for the last look of the progress we made without them. A funny note the only thing I forgot to pack back up was the underwear I had changed out of in the bathroom in which his mom definitely saw... Which I couldn't wait to share with Alex once I was back home. It was hard to fight back the tears as Alex picked me up and squeezed me but I wanted to stay strong. All I could repeat is this won't be that bad, we can do this... Luckily Mr. Z (Alex's dad) is a talker and filled the car with conversation and stories that kept his mom and I's minds off the situation for the most part of the 6 hour drive. 
I'll see you again soon Kentucky

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